I've been tagged by Linda. The idea is to share with others what you are reading and in turn you get to find out what they're reading. I think it will inspire each other to pick up some new and interesting selections at the library or the nearest book store. Especially if you've been known to read a text book for enjoyment.
Here's how it works ~
1. Pick up the nearest book, one with at least 123 pages (therefore Dr. Seuss doesn't fit into this category)
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the next 3 sentences
5. Tag 5 people
The book nearest me is Charles Faudree's French Country Signature. Page 123 is a photograph of a beautiful bedroom...

The book I am currently reading is Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See~

This was true for me as well. "She searched the county, traveling far outside her usual matchmaking territory until she heard about you from the diviner. Once she met you, she decided to hitch my fate to yours."
Doesn't that make you want to run out and purchase the book? Isn't that gripping? Are you on the edge of your seat?
Okay, I tag Alicia Johnson, Alicia Walker, Kathryn, Lindsey and Donna (Lindsey, post for your mom!)