We took the opportunity to drive around the Portland Temple. The flowers at the temples are always so gorgeous.

These tulips really caught my eye. The colors were so striking and the flowers were so tall.

It's Tyler! We went to visit our little man. Can you believe how much he has grown? He is such a
fun little guy to be around. We went fishing, scouting, hunting, and shopping. Fishing for real fish, scouting for sites to see, hunting for garage sale bargins and shopping for mothers day for Alicia. We had a blast! Thanks guys.

Tyler and Nana made cupcakes. As you can see, they were yummy!

A serious moment. Whatcha' thinkin' about Tyler?

A rare moment... a thunder storm in Phoenix!

What do you do when it rains?
Dance in it!

Yeah! The den is finished! We love the color. It is a rich carmel color (Benjamin Moore - Golden Retriever) very warm and lovely. I know it looks a lot like the original color, but believe me when I say this is a welcomed difference. The previous color turned and nasty gold/green in the evening light and well lets just say the 1970's are not welcome here!

I have always wanted shutters on the living room windows. Kent surprised me while we were out of town and Wha-la, here they are. I think they add so much to the house and he really did a great job! They're fabulous! (the shutters and Kent).