Here are some of the pictures from their FABULOUS week.

You may be asking yourself....where are the children? So are we. As the legend has it...the girls tied Cinderblocks to their feet and sent them out to sea. Good thing they are olympic swimmers....and they made it back, without turning into foam. The smiles on their faces are totally fake. They were almost dead.

Here is the big race between Rick and looks like Rick is winning...however, Little Molly Phelps pulled forward at the last minute and won the race.

And look what she won!! Look at the face on that girl....she is pretty serious about her Jet-Skiing

Because she is such a team player...she took the silver medalist out for a ride. What a sport!

Lindsey and Lori participated in a week long "beef jerky" contest. The contest was to see who could resemble beef jerky the quickest. It was a close match. Do you see how amazingly tan these "girls" are???....hehehehe

They had a very educating week. Not only did they have daily swimming lessons, but they did arts and crafts and also some cooking classes. Basically it was like a girls camp, for midgets.

Between the swimming, eating treats, swimming, tanning, swimming, eating sugar babies and junior mints....the girls had an amazing time.
and so did the babysitters....however, please remember they are retired.