Rick and I just got back from visiting our most handsome grandson, Tyler (and his parents of course). He is a Star Wars obsessed fan if there ever was one. He received a Xbox Lego Star Wars game for Christmas and may have put down the controllers a couple of times since then, I am not sure. Well, maybe for a quick sword fight with his lightsaber or to play with his plethora of action figures...

Since the last time I blogged back in 2008...we've had a few additions ~

A LaCanche Range. Yes you are seeing orange. It is absolutely gorgeous and I can hardly wait to get to cookin'. I had a plan to get it in and make do with the cabinets until we can remodel the entire kitchen...the brothers are setting me straight and thank heaven. It is going to be fantastic when they are finished. Currently the cabinets have been ripped out and she is standing alone as they work their magic - cabinets, granite, stone tiles, etc.

Introducing Ruby, our red merle Australian Shepherd puppy. She was born on Rick's birthday (is that a sign or is that a sign). She has been so much fun and is quite the sweetheart. We purchased her from the same breeder as Sadie, CTC farms in Ellensburg. They have the most beautiful dogs with superior dispositions. And smart!? Just ask Rick. Her training is coming along quite nicely, if he says so himself.

And last but not least, Jane Helen joined our family in November. She is quite the beauty. She is as sweet as they come and I can't get enough of her. Sugar and spice and everything nice...
I'll keep you posted as they all develop in the coming months. Really, I will. I have repented of my non-blogging ways, I think...