Our quilt group "Sammamish Sew Whats" have been working like crazy to get ready for our fundraiser. If you want to see what we have been up to go to Nan's blog
http://www.potsandpins.com/ and check out March 3rd, March 2nd, February 28th and 26th to see the quilts we will be raffled off, and read about some of the businesses around the community that are donating silent auction items. We have golfing at Sahalee, the most beautiful bottle of wine from Woodenville Winery's private reserve, to gift baskets and certificates at local businesses!
Remember, if you want to buy raffle tickets (6 for $5) I am happy to enter them in the jars corresponding to the quilt you are interested in. We are also raffling off a Featherweight Sewing machine!
With 9 raffle quilts you are sure to be a winner!