He's here!
I could hardly wait to get my hands on him.

Logan has arrived.
We are so excited to have him here.
A very healthy, strong, big boy. He weighed in at 9 lbs., 3 oz. and 22 1/2 " long.
14" head and 14" chest.
Alicia was so grateful she chose to have a c-section.

Such a darling face.
He looks so much like Alicia's baby pictures.
and like his big brother Tyler.

Alicia's boys!

All tuckered out.

Cute pie.

Ty was in the bathroom doing his own hair and laughing hysterically.
The results!
What a funny kid.

Two weeks old and doing great!

So content...

soo happy!

This little man has big feet and a space between his toes
just like his grandpa Johnson!
Alicia found that none of the baby booties fit him.
Pretty funny.