Saturday, January 12, 2008

(pre) Christmas in Arizona

These two were the constant companions to...

Ty Man (aka Baby Ty)
He loves trains & cars ~ boy toys!

For family night we went to the Phoenix zoo for "Zoo Lights".
All of the animals were asleep but the lights were fantastic.

Here is a giant spider in her web.

How do you put lights on a cacti?

A camel rides made the perfect Christmas card.

Tyler's turtle ride ~ a much needed break.

1 comment:

Linda and Dave Browne said...

Tyler, Ethan, and Caleb would all be the best of buds--they all love cars and trains--and the characters from "Cars" is definitely the fav! :-) Send my love to Jake, Alicia, and Ty-Guy! Also, you might mention they need to update their blog too. ;-)